Why is Edna Sanders such a popular mom?
Simply put, Edna is a kick. She’s just so much fun. Besides that, she’s kind, compassionate and funny. That’s what people in Shady Pines say about the wife of Harold Sanders. He owns the Nut ‘N Bolts hardware store downtown. She works part time at the Shady Pines Community Center. Harold and Edna met at a holiday party years ago, got married, and have been together ever since. They never had children of their own and lived a mostly quiet, well-ordered life.
Then, one day, all that changed.
That’s the day that an Australian Shepherd dog named, Boomerang, and a silver streak of a cat, Halley’s Comet, came into their lives. These days, her biggest challenge is handling the two, four-legged children running through her house! Adopting the stray Boomerang, an Australian Shepherd dog, and Halley’s Comet, a silver streak of a cat, meant the Sanders’ became instant parents. It’s a tall order for anyone but Edna takes it all in stride.
You see Edna can still turn heads when she walks down Main Street. The former dancer is always neatly dressed, and her hair is beautifully styled. She loves to entertain at her house on Dogwood Drive across from Copycat Lane. In fact, her Shady Pines neighbors love to drop by Edna’s Kitchen to see what she’s whipping up. You can bet nearly every meal will end with a plate of Edna’s blue-ribbon chocolate chip cookies – and their special ingredients.
Folks around town love to share a story with Edna. She’s such a good listener, and her laughter is infectious. Oh, don’t worry, she shares stories, too. One of Edna’s stories from her Kitchen and a coloring page of her souped-up, super-charged blender, Gertie, are available now in our Holiday Grab Bag. You can get them right HERE
You can also follow the ongoing stories of the Sanders’ family and their wacky small Southern town in the national award winning book series named for her “kids,” Boomer and Halley. In times like these, for parents and grandparents who struggle to find ways to counter program against the current toxic culture, this series offers an antidote. Each book includes four wonderful life lessons like: teamwork, respecting property, responsibility, kindness and caring. Naturally, since Boomer and Halley are involved, there’s always plenty of fun-filled mischief as well!
Books are available HERE and on Amazon: