Breaking News
Hi Everyone,

It’s me, Scoop the Cub Reporter, from The Shady Pines Gazette. I’ve got news for you.


The whole town is buzzing about Valentine’s Day.

It’s so amazing isn’t it? There are so many ways people express love. Sure, there’s always the flowers and chocolate, right? Hard to go wrong with those choices.

But other people write cards, some buy jewelry or other gifts, and there’s even one guy in town who wrote a song about the woman he loves. That is really cool.

I’m going to interview folks around Shady Pines Story Town and find out what they are doing for Valentine’s Day. I’m starting off at the mayor’s office. There’s no tellin’ what Beauregard P. Fibbs will have to say. Next, I plan to head over to the community center. I hear they have a special activity planned for the kids from Shady pines Elementary School. You should come along. You might get some ideas for yourself. Just CLICK HERE


I know our resident author of the Boomer and Halley books, Mary Jane McKittrick, has put together a Pine Cone Corner Activity Packet. This is the first time Shady Pines Story Town has ever had this kind of thing to make available for all of you!

You can see the Aussie dog, Boomerang, and that silver streak of a cat, Halley’s Comet, right on the cover. This offering has a story, a recipe, puzzles, a coloring download – all sorts of stuff that youngsters will enjoy. Check it out. CLICK  HERE