Ask any adult raising a young child and they’ll tell you they want their youngster to understanding the importance of compassion. Shady Pines Story Town’s very own, Edna Sanders, saw a story on TV recently that showed a very unique approach to teaching this very basic life lesson.

Teaching Kids about Compassion is the SHADY PINES WAY!

As Edna tells us, the setting is a school classroom. You’re not surprised are you? After all, that’s where you expect young children go to learn. But, the amazing part of this story is the age of the person doing the teaching. Not only was the teacher much younger than the students, but the effectiveness of her lesson plan was heartwarming.

In fact, this idea is now spreading to schools all over the United States. Edna wants you to see what she’s talking about.

She saw it on NBC’s TODAY Show. Let us know if this approach to inspiring compassion melts your heart.


Can you think of a better way to show children the positive effect of compasssion?