Writing to Santa Claus
It’s that time of year folks! Kids all over Shady Pines are writing to Santa and letting him know what they want for Christmas. I’m Scoop the Cub reporter from The Shady Pines Gazette.
It’s so cool that my editor, Zulah Talmadge, gave me this assignment. I get a kick outta seeing what the kids write.
Our newspaper is encouraging adults to write letters this year, too. We’re going to have prizes for some of the best letters we get.
I think a few have already come in to our office here on Main Street. Let me go check the mail. Oh, good. Here’s one from Edna Sanders. She’s so nice. Let’s see what she has to say.
“Dear Santa, how are you? Because of the pandemic, this has been a tough year for our family like so many others. Harold and our kids, Boomerang and Halley’s Comet are counting our blessings. Harold’s Nuts ‘N Bolts hardware store has stayed busy enough that he didn’t have to lay off any of his employees. I’ve been able to volunteer and help out neighbors in need. In addition to our ongoing food drive, we just started collecting toys and warm winter coats. Boomer and Halley are still fussing at each other, which is normal. This Christmas I’m asking you to remind us to keep the spritit of Christmas in our hearts even in these difficult times. Love, Edna Sanders.”
Scoop finishes reading Edna’s letter. He hadn’t thought about the year quite that way. It has been hard to focus on the good when there’s been so much bad news. Edna’s right. There are a lot of folks in Shady Pines who are doing great work in the community spreading kindness and helping out others.
Oh, this should be interesting. It’s from Boomer. Just what does this Australian Shepherd want from Santa?
“Dear Santa, It’s me, Boomerang. I saw my mom writing to you. I bet she didn’t tell you what I want this year. I think I’ve been pretty good. I mean I live with that aggravatin’ cat so I do lose it sometimes. But, if you can fit it on your sleigh, I’d really like new chewy bones and some more tennis balls. I like to chase after them. Sometimes I try to get a bone and two tennis balls in my mouth at the same time. I did it once! Okay. That’s about it. See ya, Boomer”
Scoop sits back in his chair and shakes his head. That herding dog tries to be all tough and everything, but he’s really a good guy. Very kind to everyone. Still, the sibling rivalry between Boomer and his sister is legendary around here. That’s probably why our local author, Mary Jane McKittrick, writes books about them. Oh, wow. Speaking of Halley, here’s a letter from her!
“Dear, Santa. I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Halley’s Comet. Some people call me a silver streak of a cat. I live in Shady Pines with my wonderful parents, Harold and Edna. I have been very good this year. I know that because I haven’t been as mean to Boomer as I could be. I even got along with him that one time. Anyway, if you could, I need a new squeaky toy. And, can you bring more of those special kitty treats that I like? Oh, and more tuna would be good, too. Thank you, Halley.”
This one makes Scoop chuckle. That Halley is such a princess. She is classy, that’s for sure, and tough. She doesn’t take any guff from anyone – especially not from Boomer. But get her alone, and Halley is really sweet and loveable.
Here’s another letter. This one is from Mark Cahill. He’s only 5 years old. I can’t wait to read this one.
“Dear Santa, I am a good boy. I am nice to my little brother. I want Legos, Star Wars, and some surprises. I will leave cookies for you and applesauce for the reindeer. I like elves very much. Thank you, Mark.
Scoop smiles as he reads Mark’s letter. He tries to remember what he asked Santa to bring when he was 5 years old. Nope. Nothing comes to him. But one thing’s for sure. Mark is a kind kid.
Okay. Let’s find out who else has taken the time to send a letter. Ah, this one’s from Clara Miller. I think she’s 8, maybe 9 years old this year. I’m not really sure.
“Dear Santa, I hope you get this. I don’t know where the North Pole is. Do you really go around the world in one night? If you can do that, will you get my mom well? She’s really sick. I want some toys, but I want her home more. My dad is so scared. Please help us Santa.”
Scoop just looks at Clara’s letter with its scribbled hand writing. He takes a deep breath. A lot of families in Shady Pines have been affected by Covid 19. We’ve been reporting about it all year. Clara’s mom has been hospitalized for the past month. Neighbors have been doing what they can to support Clara, her dad and her brother.
This one’s from Rita Mallena. Let’s find out what our Community Center Director has on her mind.
“Dear, Santa. I’m writing to you for all the boys and girls who love coming to the Center and aren’t able to do that right now. Normally, we’d be getting ready for our annual Christmas party. The kids from the Shady Pines Elementary School next door always look forward to the meal, the singing, the games and the present exchange. It’s a really fun time for the children and their parents. Santa, my wish this year is that we will be able to have gatherings like that again very soon. In the meantime, please make sure everyone stays safe and healthy this holiday season. All the best, Rita.”
Scoop puts Rita’s letter back in the envelope. Geez. If all the letters that come into the Gazette office are as good as this batch, it’s going to be hard to pick winners. Just wondering, what would your letter to Santa say this year? Please let us know and leave a comment below!
Who knew that a letter to Santa would be so meaningful? I guess 2020 has taught us anything is possible.
Every time I read one of these posts I want to live in Shady Pines. There’s so much heart and kindness. Thank you. I needed this.
My kids wrote to Santa this year and their letters were so sad. They miss their friends because we’re still home schooling. They’re worried about their grandparents. It’s just heartbreaking.
This is really good
You’ve got to love the relationship between the dog and the cat. Sounds like my kids. This is a very sweet post.
This gave me a good idea. I think I’ll have my daughter write to Santa so I can know what she’s really thinking. Thanks Shady Pines.
If I was writing a letter to Santa I think I’d ask him to make this virus vanish and let life go back to normal.
I hadn’t thought about it before but I bet Santa is getting an earful this year.
Nice post.
Really like the way you incorporate something like writing letters to Santa to deliver an important message. Good stuff.
I like the way this was handled. Very tasteful.
I’m not sure what I’d write to Santa this year. But I like what the people and animals in Shady Pines had to say.