Let’s Hear It For Parents!
Where would we be without our parents, the people who loved us even before we were born?
I’m Zulah Talmadge with The Shady Pines Gazette news. Scoop, my Cub Reporter brought this story to me and it’s too good not to share with y’all.
Our parents do so much for us every day of our young lives and the love doesn’t stop once we’re adults. That’s why it’s good to honor them on their special day, National Parents’ Day July 25, celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July.
While Mother’s and Father’s days were first officially celebrated in the early 1900s, (and National Grandpa Day is already approaching its 40 year anniversary); National Parents’ Day wasn’t established until 1994. That’s when a Congressional Resolution passed, “recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in bringing up their children.” Well said!
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
The House and Senate both signed the Parents’ Day resolution.
I think we can agree, parents are the greatest gift of nature we have. There is nothing that comes close to taking their place in our lives. The role of parent is key in the development of a child’s life. The aim of National Parents’ Day is to promote responsible parenting and encourage positive reinforcement by parents for children. It goes the other way as well, as the day also celebrates the sacrifices of parents and the strong bond of love between parents and their children.
A Combined Celebration
It makes sense that National Parents’ Day is celebrated in July, seeing as how Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day celebrations fall in the months of May and June. National Parents’ Day is always observed on the fourth Sunday of July every year, no matter what actual date it falls on. Activities and events take place to recognize, uplift, and support the role of parents in raising their children.
Scoop and I will be out looking for Shady Pines folks taking opart in these events. In the meantime, let’s remember our folks help us in every step of our life. They train us to face future challenges and to face whatever comes in our life. Parents live for us, they are our first teacher. We should do our best to respect them and their decisions.
Happy Parent’s Day!
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A national day for parents, huh? I’ll take it.
Can I just say I want to live in Shady Pines?
National Parents Day. YES!
Parenting is the hardest job around. Thank you for celebrating us.
It’s nice that Shady Pines always finds something good to say. I needed this today.
How do you come up with this stuff? Another feel good entry. Thanks.
National Parents Day, who knew? But I’m all for it.
National Parents Day, who knew? Delightful.
I’m not a parent, but I am an aunt. I can reinforce everything in this blog as truth. Now I know what I’ll be doing on July 25th
Very nice
Good work pointing out a special day for parents!!!
Another positive message from Shady Pines. Please keep it up.
Oh my gosh. What a sweet and wonderful message