Starry, Starry, Night

This is so exciting! Folks in Shady Pines are all a twitter about what’s going on in the skies above our town this week and even waaaay beyond that.

Hi I’m Zulah Talmadge with The Shady Pines Gazette and I have news from the National Space Agency (NASA) Have you seen the incredible photos of galaxies and more they’ve just shared with all of us? These images are out of this world – literally!

They were taken with the powerful James Webb Space Telescope and show the deepest images of space we’ve ever seen.

If you want to know more about the many discoveries from the telescope and see some more amazing photos just CLICK HERE

It was the famous astronomer Carl Sagan who once said, “We are made of star stuff.” An astronomer is someone who studies stars and galaxies and all the science that goes with it.  So when Sagan said that famous line, he was reminding people that much of the matter of our bodies was created within the stars a really long time ago. He wanted people to know, we are marvelous, and our story is too.

This is the kind of message we want everyone in Shady Pines to realize. It doesn’t  matter if you’re young or old, rich or poor, you’re important and we value you. That’s goes for our animals, too!

Don’t Buck It

Here’s the other bit of news you need to know so you’ll be sure to look skyward starting tomorrow night. There’s a Buck Moon rising. What’s that you ask?

Well, it just happens to be July’s Supermoon and it’s the biggest and brightest of the year! Supermoons are normally bigger and brighter than regular ‘ole moons.  But this one is supposed to be the whopper. And according to various space websites Wednesday, July 13th is when you should be able to see it the best.

I bet you’re wondering how this moon got its name.  According to legend it’s because the antlers of male deer, or bucks, are in full-growth mode during this time. According to, bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, forming a larger pair as the years pass.

Other names given this Buck super moon include: Feather Moulting Moon, Salmon Moon, Thunder Moon, and Halfway Summer Moon. Whatever you choose to call it, just remember to look up tomorrow night after sunset.

If you have binoculars or a telescope handy, you’ll be able to see the moon’s craters, mountains, ridges, and finer details.

Now, closer to home, Scoop the Cub Reporter and I will be out and about asking neighbors what they think of all this.

Think about it. What a wonderful way to get the kids and all the rest of us more excited about the world around us. We’re all connected you know. That’s why we need the moon and the stars to guide us!

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