Kindness Sells
Chattering customers and clinking glasses fill the ar in Nuts ‘N Bolts Hardware.
An old fashioned soda fountain sits smack dab in the middle of the downtown store.
This is THE place to be on a hot summer afternoon in Shady Pines Story Town to catch up on hot topics.
“One super duper sundae coming up.” Owner Harold Sanders pours fountain drinks and scoops up all sorts of ice cream concoctions. Kids and older folks gather ’round. “Mr. Sanders, may I have chocolate on mine?” asks seven year old Tommy.
Along with the cool treats, today there’s a big ‘ole dollop of concern being served.
What’s Happened To Us?
“I can’t take it anymore,” says Fred who runs Fred’s Corner Grocer. “Why are people so angry and downright mean these days?”
Twelve year old Martin adjusts his glasses. “Seems like when people watch the news or go on the internet they get so riled up.”
Harold rinses out a glass and sighs. “My wife, Edna, says the same thing. She has friends who barely speak because of one thing or another.”
Scoop the Cub Reporter with his shock of red hair stands next to Fred. He realizes he’s gonna need to talk to his editor, Zulah Talmadge.
This could be a story for the next edition of the Shady Pines Gazette. He clears his throat to get everyone’s attention. “What are we going to do about it?”
“Well,” says Harold, “why don’t we find a way to remind people that this town is all about kindness and caring?”
Fred agrees. “I like it. But how do we do that?”
Harold claps his hands. “We’ll show them that being civil to one another matters AND it’s good for business!”
The Campaign Begins
“How’re you gonna do that? asks Tommy.
Harold looks at the boy. “If we all put our heads together I bet we can figure it out.”
And that’s how the ‘KINDNESS and CARING’ campaign got started.
To kick things off, Harold headed straight to the office of Mayor Beauregard P. Fibbs.
“What’s up Harold?” asks Mayor Fibbs. “Heard you have something on your mind.”
“I do,” says Harold. We want to start a campaign promoting the best qualities of our town. We think it would be good for business.”
Mayor Fibbs sits back in his chair. “I’m listenting.”
The idea is for shops around town like Pets Galore, Maggie’s Diner and Cup ‘O Joe’s to put a big logo in their front window.
That symbol tells customers the folks who run those shops will be kind, courteous and really care about them.”
The mayor says, “Hmmm. And that’s why you’re calling this effort, the KINDNESS and CARING campaign?”
Harold nods his head. “Yes. Being good to one another is what our close knit community is all about!”
“People just need to be reminded,” agrees Fibbs. “Harold, this could work. When people feel they’re being valued and treated with respect they’ll keep coming back to those shops.”
Harold agrees. “That’s the bottom line!”
The mayor lights up. “Why we’ll give those businesses in nearby River City a run for their money!”
Kindness and Caring Pays Off
It didn’t take long. The campaign is now underway and people are already talking about it. Of course Scoop and Zulah are helping to spread the word.
There’s even talk the kids in town are getting involved.
We’ll have more on that later.
In the meantime, what do you think of this Shady Pines Story Town campaign?
Can you think of somes businesses near you that could use this approach?
I love Shady Pines and its timely messages. Kindness and caring makes everyone feel better about themselves and each other. It really should be one’s motto always! Thanks!
Thank you Robin for your sweet message. Really appreciate it!
Kindness and caring – what exceptional words to promote in any town. And, what a way to begin such a campaign than in the Shady Pines Story Town. Thank you, Mary Jane, for this message of hope.
I’m so glad you found it meaningful. Thank you Cathie!
I am impressed by your ability to incorporate a message of kindness and caring into an adorable and engaging storyline. I am happy to share so we can multiply the impact and hopefully make a difference in this increasingly uncivil world. Well done!
Lori. Thank you so much for the comment and the wiliness to share. I appreciate it!
Kindness and caring….with all the new “family additions” to Southern Pines would be well received. I can see a campaign at say the library in addition to the news you mentioned and maybe even info at First Friday or Red’s Corner where so many young families gather. Great idea bringing it to Southern Pines!
Tricia thank you for the ideas and the encouragement. Really appreciate it!
Caring and kindness is the cornerstone of a lasting civilization. I also pledge to try to be kind to those who don’t share my point of view. Discourse and consensus is also a cornerstone of civilization.
Very well said Jane. Thank you fr your comment!
I’m sending this post to my two young granddaughters. I would love to see people practice kindness and caring! This is such an important and timely message.
Tjank you for your comment Sharon and your williness to send it to family members!
This is exactly what we all need more of these days. Kindness and caring. For everyone, but especially our young people.
Well said Diana. Thank you so much for your comment!
What a clever idea. And isn’t this needed? Shady Pines is a model that the rest of our towns and cities should follow
I’d be sure to seek out and shop at any local store with such a sign in the window!
Thank you Sandi, I would too!
Great post especially in this moment. We need to tone down the rhetoric
What a wonderful message. I really like the old fashion soda fountain. Not a cell phone in sight. People actually talking to one another
In a political year like this one we can really use a reminder to be kinder to one another. Thanks for the nudge
I really like this idea. Spreading kindness and caring throughout a town using shops and businesses to carry the message.
We could use more kindness and caring in our lives. What a good idea to apply it to businesses too. Good job
This is really good. We need more real-life towns to adopt a campaign like this. I’m going to share this post and encourage others to do as well
What a great story! I sent the post to all my siblings and nieces who have children. We should all work on being kind and caring for others who don’t have the same viewpoint. I can’t wait to read more story on the Shady Pines Town! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for setting an example for our kids and their families. We need more positive messaging like this. And so do our businesses
Sunny thank you for your comment and also for sharing the post with your famility members. Spreading kindness and caring is the goal!
Kindness and caring used to be the way we all related to one another. We need to bring it back. Send this post to everyone you know. I’m sending it to my son and his family
The scene at the soda fountain is wonderful. People talking to one another without pgones or devices. We need more Shady Pines
I love the idea of Kindness and Caring. The Shady Pines campaign can make a difference in our everyday lives in Anytown, USA. Many thanks for this post.
Thank you for your comment Tammy. Glad you enjoyed it!
I’m sending this post to my daughter and her two kids. I recommend that others share this as well
We can not get enough of kindness and caring in our homes, businesses and schools. We need more real life communities like Shady Pines
Thank you, Mary Jane, for shining a beacon of hope in trying times. We can ALL learn from the good folks in Shady Pines!
Appreciate the comment and the sentiment Jerry!
Great story – great message.
I’ll take a chocolate egg cream !!!
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the encouragement and the comment!
I took this campaign as a personal challenge. Not just for business, we can all try harder to be kinder. I pledge to try harder with people who don’t have my point of view. I’ll try to be more tolerant/kinder.
That’s a great goal Elaine. We should all join you in that pursuit!
I am really enjoying these reminders about how kindness can be and SHOULD be found everywhere. Very good idea to focus on businesses
Good ideas happen around old fashioned soda fountains. I’ll take a cherry coke, please!
Now we have a cliffhanger. What will happen as a result of the campaign? We’ll have to stay tuned in!
I can’t think of any business that wouldn’t benefit from promote caring and kindness. Small businesses tend to be good at this. Large chains could learn from them— so places like Lowe’s and Walmart would be a start.
Happy to know you enjoyed the post. Thank you for your comment and suggestions!
An excellent post and hopefully more and more people will buy into Kindness and Caring campaign
Hopefully so Joanne! Thank you for your comment
I absolutely love this. Kindness and caring are two things we don’t see enough of these days
Kindness and caring is a little seed
absorbed in Shady Pines characters and like any seed will grow and spread through out this delightful community via stores, library, P.O. etc & it’s people .Attitude, Time & patience from all will spread & civility will occur
GREAT venture A+