A National Holiday
Generally speaking, the first weekend in
September signals the unofficial end of Summer. Yess-sir-eee. Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd becomes part of a three-day celebration for most folks in Shady Pines Story Town. I bet it’s the same where you live.
Around here, you’ll find picnics and Bar-B-Ques in backyards all over town. Why, we’ll come up with any ‘ole reason to get together over good food, friends, family and well, just having a fine time.
A National Holiday qualifies as a really good excuse to throw a party.
But Labor Day is special for our tight knit community in a serious way. You see, not everyone has the time off to celebrate all the wonderful workers in our country who make our day-to-day living just that much better.
Celebrate Our Workers
Some folks are working on Labor Day. Take young Ray Robinson and his family, for example.
Ray’s father is in the Army and right now he’s serving our country overseas.
Ray and his mom haven’t seen him in a long time. Staff Sergeant Robinson writes to Ray as much as he can.
Soldiers don’t often get this holiday off like some of us.
Ray misses his dad a lot. I bet some of you with loved ones in the armed services can relate to that.
In fact, think of all the nurses and doctors working in hospitals this Labor Day. They have to be there in case you or someone you know gets sick. These folks are dedicated. And if you ask them why they do it, they’d tell you that being of service is a labor of love.
And don’t forget to be grateful for all the grocery store workers who make sure you have enough of those picnic foods ready when you need them.
They’re stocking shelves while you may be stacking sandwiches.
How Did Labor Day Begin?
Way back in the 1800s a lot of people in this country worked very long hours in unsafe factories or mines. Not only was it scary to work in those conditions, but they didn’t make much money. Even young children would work all day and make even less money than the adults.
Those “kids jobs” were much harder and more dangerous than we can imagine. In comparison, Shady Pines kids sometimes think cleaning their room or taking out the trash is hard work.
Finally, these hard working , underpaid United States workers decided they had to do something to improve their situation. So they joined unions. They formed organized groups of workers created to look out for their members.
The First Labor Day Parade
In September 5, 1882, union workers from all over the country got together to hold a big event.
They took a day off and even lost a day’s pay to march in New York City. They demanded better pay, fewer hours, and safer working conditions.
When the march was over a whole bunch of those people stayed around to have a picnic with other families in New York’s Central Park.
You know, that may have been the beginning of the Labor Day picnic tradition!
Labor Day 2024
Back here in Shady Pines our favorite mail carrier, Kim Dunworthy, is on a mission. She hurries to make her final delivery of our town’s letters and packages by Friday afternoon. Kim is excited to get to her parent’s home in nearby River City so she can help with party preparations.
Kim says her mom always bakes up her super-duper apple, peach and cherry pies for the family gathering on Saturday. It’s their Labor Day weekend tradition.
Kim comes from a long line of postal workers. Getting all those guys and gals together in one place is something of a special delivery!
The Sanders’ family seems to be hatching a plan too. Once Harold locks the front door of his Nuts ‘N Bolts hardware store Saturday afternoon he’ll walk home. His wife, Edna, says she has something in mind.
Now the last time Edna had a “plan” on a holiday weekend, Harold arrived home to find a half filled blow up pool, an out of control water
hose snaking
in all directions, a drenched dog hiding in the bushes and a soaked cat howling in a tree.
Besides Boomerang the Australian Shepherd dog and Halley’s Comet a silver streak of a cat, Edna was waterlogged from the tip of her head to the toes on her feet.
She was muttering something about having a pool day for the kids.
Fortunately, this time the wooden table in the backyard is set for a picnic. Edna is humming as she brings out a pitcher of lemonade from the kitchen. Boomer dogs her heels and Halley tries her best to sneak up on a bird.
Harold sighs. Normal. Edna gives him a big hug. “Hi honey. Glad you’re home.”
After a long day, the Sanders take a moment to be grateful for all they have.
Others will also stop on this Labor Day weekend and pause to appreciate all the people who work hard and make a difference. And that’s why Kindness and Caring Lives Here in the small Southern town of Shady Pines!
Labor Day is a very special day for all workers, even if they have to work! Your explanation of the historical events leading up to Labor Day were very interesting, especially when you talked about the child workers. I think we all forget how children were sent to work at a very early age in order to help their families survive. Labor unions have been invaluable in lifting up the labor force.
What a feel good post that taught me something too. Keep this up. We need more
This post packed a punch. There was a lot in it. The misadventure of a pool party for the dog and cat was funny. Loved the history too.
Thank you for giving us the history of Labor Day. I never really thought about the fact that some people don’t get the day off. I did get a laugh out of the combination of water and a cat!
There is more to Labor Day than most of us know I learned that doing the research. Yes a pool party for a cat was maybe not the best idea!
I really loved this post about Labor Day. The history behind it and reminding us of all the good folks who labor on that day when the rest of us are celebrating. September 2 is also my daughter’s birthday who will be 43- a double celebration.🎉
Oh Linda that is reason enough for a double celebration. Thank you for your comment!
Thank you for reminding us about the importance of Labor Day and its history. I learned something while enjoying this story
Your Caring and Kindness story
is perfectly timed. Being aware of how and why Labor Day was start-
ed should be focused on each year at days preceding it’s celebration
Shady Pines- Caring and Kindness-
that’s what our future America will
hopefully resemble GREAT GREAT
Thank you Jane. I’m so glad that you found it to be important!
It’s hard to believe summer is nearly over. Thank you for this fun read as we look forward to Labor Day
I am smiling. This post gave me some history and a chuckle or two. Happy Labor Day to you Shady Pines
I agree with Jim! I really like the fact that the story teaches us something! And in a nice way! Thank you!
Thank you for your comment Sharon!
Such a nice reminder of the history behind Labor Day celebrations.
I hope all workers get to celebrate at some time over the LD weekend!
I do, too Teresa. Thank you for your comment!
So many times we “forget” or don’t understand what the meaning of Holidays are. Thanks for the reminder!
You’re very welcome Stephanie. Thank you!
Thanks very much for history of Labor Day. I have always enjoyed a day off on Labor Day to celebrate my birthday without taking time off from work. I love reading your story and I look forward to reading it!
That’s so nice of you Sunny. Than you for your comment!
A good reminder of why we celebrate Labor Day. The true meaning of why we celebrate Labor Day often gets lost.
Thank you Tammy!
Thanks for history of how we got the day and reminding us that not everyone gets a holiday. Glad there were no drenched pets this year😄
Me too! Thanks Sandi!
Sorry to see “summer” end but certainly looking forward to cooler weather. Hope everyone in SP and elsewhere has a great holiday weekend!
Shady Pines always puts an upbeat spin. No complaining about traffic, etc. I finish reading feeling happy. Thank you.
That’s really nice to hear. Thank you Elaine!
And we hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend too, Jerry!
I like the way these Shady Pines stories make a point without hitting us over the head. They are funny and thoughtful
A great reminder of the reason we celebrate Labor Day and even more important a reminder to thank those who do not have the day off allowing us to enjoy our day.
Thank you Joanne for underscoring that importance.
We got a little background info on Kim this time. I really liked this post. These Shady Pines stories make me feel good. Thank you for that.
Great reminder of why we celebrate Labor Day! All too often we just think about the food and getting together with family or friends. Good article.
Thank you Barbara. I’m glad you liked it!
What a lovely story. It had a little bit of everything. Thank you for reminding us there is more to Labor Day than just the superficial
This was a fun ride. It’s both funny and poignant. Well done