Emotional Goodbye to Another Year

Doesn’t it seem strange? The last hours of 2024 are coming to an end. Before you know it crowds will pack into New York’s Time Square.

That same look of party hats and streamers will pop up in cities and towns around the country.

When the clock strikes midnight voices everywhere will yell, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

Just like that, we say goodbye to one year and hello to another one.

It’s the same routine every year.

Hello 2025

In a blink of an eye the calendar page flips over and it’s 2025. 


Instead of celebrating, something seems off in one house near downtown Shady Pines Story Town.

When we go inside the Sanders’ home on Dogwood Drive across from Copy Cat Lane, we see Edna Sanders kinda wandering about. She shuffles from room to room.

Something’s Wrong

Normally, Edna is a ball of energy.

But now her steps are slow, her shoulders slump and her mind wanders like it’s thousands of miles away.

Something is definitely bothering her. But what could it be?

The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time for one and all.

What’s wrong with mom?” asks Boomerang, the family’s Australian Shepherd dog. “She’s been acting strange ever since she got that phone call.”

Halley’s Comet, a silver streak of a cat, shrugs. “How should I know? Wait. What phone call?”

“Honey I’m home!”

Looking For Answers

Harold Sanders bursts through the back door, hangs his coat on the hook on the wall, and tosses his car keys into the little basket near the kitchen sink.

He takes off his glasses to wipe them after walking through the misty rain that’s falling outside.

Edna looks up from the recipe book she’s mindlessly thumbing through. She sits at the kitchen table and the coffee in her mug is cold.

“Hi dear. How was your day?” she asks with very little enthusiasm.

Harold sits next to her. “What’s wrong sweetie? You haven’t been yourself since you got the news Carol is moving away.”

Boomer walks over to Halley who’s lapping water from her dish and nudges her. “I told ya. That’s the call I’m talking about.”

“Hey!” says an anooyed Halley. “What’s the big deal about Carol? And why is her moving making mom so sad?”

Loss Is Difficult 

Harold puts his arms around Edna.

Edna looks at Harold with tears in her eyes. “It’s just that Carol is one of my best friends and tomorrow she’s moving three thousand miles away. I don’t know when I will see her again. If ever.”

Harold sits beside his wife and holds her hands in his. “I know. She and Kevin have been a big part of our memories for eight years. And their cat and dog love Boomer and Halley so much.”

“Hold the phone,” says Halley. “Mitsie is moving too? I love her. We play together. She can’t leave.”

Boomer sits on his haunches and drops his head. “Forget about that orange pint size feline. This means I’m losing Charles. He’s my best friend.”

“I have to admit,” says Halley. “You and that Cocker Spaniel are pretty funny together.”

Hold Onto Your Loved Ones 

Harold rises up from his chair and urges Edna to do the same. “Listen. It’s okay to be sad Kevin and Carold are leaving. But we need to be happy for their new adventure as well.”

A happy family hugging their petsEdna nods. “I know you’re right.”

Harold continues.” Hey. We still have each other. And we’ll remember all the kind and caring things they did for us and with us.”

Edna wipes away her tears. “You’re so right. And that’s what we need to focus on in this new year.”

Time for a group hug. “Bring it in Sanders family,” says Harold.

Looking Forward Not Backward

And there you have it. Getting through loss, especially during the holidays, is made a bit easier when we cling to those who mean the most.

New friends and more chances to spread love, kindness and caring  can be part of  this new year if you’re open and welcome to the opportunity.

From all of us in Shady Pines Story Town, Happy New Year!


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