Wildfires Affect Everyone

The images are awful. All over the big ‘ole area that is Los Angeles, California homes, businesses, schools, banks, libraries, places of worship and more, are wiped out in a matter of minutes.

The blazing infernos force people and pets to run for their lives.

Wild, gusting, swirling Santa Ana winds overpower firefighters battling the flames on the ground.

On the Ground and In the Air

When the winds calm down the fight goes on in the skies. This real life horror movie is still going on a week after it started.

News crews captures the images. Reports of celebrities losing their houses make headlines.

But a whole lot of everyday folks who have lived in the area for a really long time are losing their homes too.

How To Help the Children

And what about the children who may not have a house anymore – or a school?

In the small Southern town of Shady Pines residents watch the ongoing story on their screens. They are horrified like everyone else following the daily updates. What can they do?

Mayor Beauregard Fibbs is no stranger to extreme weather events. After all, hurricanes and strong storms happen a lot around here.

Right now he’s in his downtown office pacing back and forth.

“This is horrible. Just horrible, “says the mayor. “We may be a long ways away from the west coast but by golly there’s something we can do to help.”

Putting A Plan Together

Mayor Fibbs calls up The Shady Pines Gazette editor, Zulah Talmadge and Scoop the Cub reporter.

“Zulah, will you and Scoop get over here as soon as you can? We need to put out the word that ourtight knit community is going to pull together to help those folks who have lost everything. I’m especially worried about the kids.”

Zulah and Scoop are out covering another story, but when they they get the call from mayor, they hurry over to City Hall.

Getting Focused

As Scoop packs up his camera gear, Zulah has a thought. “I’m glad the mayor is focusing on children. The need is so great out there in L.A. We wouldn’t know where to start.”

Scoop agrees. “You’re right. I’ve seen bunches of places popping up with all sorts of donated items that folks desperately need.”

Zulah whirls around and grabs Scoop by the shoulders. “I have an idea. I saw a story on the TODAY show that might help us.”

Scoop looks at her wide eyed.”How?”

Zulah explains. “It featured an organization called, Save The Children. They find ways to make life more bearable for kids when disaster strikes.

Actress Jennifer Gardner has worked with Save The Children for sixteen years. We need to contact that them.”

Look For The Helpers

Scoop tosses his bag into the white news van and throws Zulah the keys. 

“What are you doing?” asks Zulah.

Scoop looks excited. “I have an idea, too. I’ll go ask Rita Malena to come to our meeting at the mayor’s office. As the Director of the Community Center she can help us.”

Zulah is amazed. “That’s good thinking Scoop. Since the elementary school is right next to the center Rita can round up some teachers and parents, too.”

“See ya in a bit Miss Zulah,” says Scoop

Zulah sits in the front seat behind the steering wheel of the van and looks for the story on her ipad.

Here it is:


“Oh this makes me so happy,” says Zulah. “We will be able to talk to these people and find a way to make a difference.”

And dear readers, that’s what Shady Pines Story Town is all about. Even when our world seems dark or discouraging, we allow kindness and caring to guide our way. It’s how we try to bring a little light where and when it’s needed most!

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