Let It Snow
Oh my goodness dear readers. Will you look at that! Powdery snow swirls in a light wind and drifts down on Main Street in Shady Pines.
This is kinda exciting.
Looks like we’re going to get three inches or more.
It’s the first snow of the year. Actually it’s the first snow in nearly ten years.
Here in the South snow is not a regular thing like it is up North.
Around here most of the town shuts down on a day like this. We’re not sure how to walk or drive in the slick stuff.
Time To Play
The kids love it though ’cause they get out of school.
Most of them run outside, plop on down and make snow angels. Some find any little slope so they can go sledding.
The children dress warmly in coats, hats, gloves and boots because it’s really cold out there.
Ray Robinson isn’t sure what to do with his snow day.
Maybe he should find out what Boomer and Halley are doing. The four legged children of Harold and Edna Sanders are two of his favorite playmates.
As he makes his way to the Sanders’ home on Dogwood drive, Ray sees other pets out for a walk.
They look cozy. He wonders if his favorite Australian Shepherd dog, Boomerang, has a sweater like that?
Would Halley’s Comet wear one? Ray laughs to himself.
“Probably not unless it was really fashionable.” He tries to imagine what that would look like. Ray shakes his head. “Naw, she wouldn’t.”
Visiting Friends
Edna hears the doorbell ring and opens the door. “Hi ya Ray. It’s good to see you. C’mon in.”
“Hi Mrs. Sanders,” says Ray. “Are Boomer and…”
Ray doesn’t even finish his question before a multi color dog comes bounding into the entry way.
“Boomer, sit,” says Edna. Boomer does as he’s told.
“Good boy, she says. “Manners are important.”
Ray drops to his knees and hugs his friend.
Ting. Ting. Ting. The sound of the little bell on her collar means a prancing cat is arriving. Halley goes straight up to Ray and presses against him.
Edna smiles. “I guess your welcome committee is glad to see you!”
Staying Warm
Before Ray can ask if Boomer and Halley have winter gear, Edna has an idea.
“Why don’t you come into the kitchen, Ray? I was just making some chicken noodle soup. And I’ve got my favorite chocolate chip cookies in the oven.”
Ray stands up. “I don’t want to interrupt.”
Edna looks surprised. ” You aren’t at all. You’re doing me a favor by keeping these two busy.”
Ray brushes Boomer’s thick coat with one hand. With his other hand, he throws Halley’s favorite noisy toy for her to chase.
“Harold will be back soon,” says Edna. “He ran out to deliver some food to Clarice Anderson for me. She’s older and lives alone. I want to make sure she has enough to eat until it’s safe for her to get out and about.”
Looking Out For One Another
Ray looks up. “That’s very nice of you.”
Edna wipes her hands on her apron and sits down at the kitchen table next to Ray. “It’s just being a good neightbor and paying attention to the needs of others,” says Edna.
Ray nods and shows Edna a note on a small piece of paper. “This is what Jimmy wrote to me after the army had my dad deploy again last week.”
As Edna reads the words from Ray’s friend, tears well up in her eyes. “This is exactly what I mean. Very kind. Now, why don’t you wash your hands before lunch.”
Ray goes over to the kitchen sink. Boomer follows him. Halley slaps her noisy toy.
The back door opens. It’s Harold. “Honey, I’m home!”
And that’s a glimpse into what the first snow of 2025 was like in the small Southern town of Shady Pines.
A wonderful reminder to take time to reflect on the beauty of this rare snowfall, but also to check on our neighbors to make sure they are safe. We all need to help others when we can and spread kindness.
Very nice comment Janis. Thank you!
Brings to mind all of the good things about a snowy day! Delightful and timely piece, especially highlighting the concern for others who might be challenged by the weather.
Thank you so much Candy for your lovely comment!
Aww so nice checking on animal as well as human friends during bad weather. . A good example set by Shady Pines
Thank you Tricia!
We are still snowed in pretty much. The roads might get better sometime this afternoon. I’m so glad to spend some time in Shady Pines . These are feel good stories
Brings me back to my childhood in New England. So special to see the residents of Shady Pines enjoying it together.
Thank you for that Jamie!
Every visit to Shady Pines reminds me to try and be a better person
That’s really nice Jim. Thank you!
What a delightful story
Delightful account of Shady Pines when winter arrives How wonder-
ful to hear a child’s laughter of snow vs an adults’ “get shovels
out” A good snow day let’s all of us
slow down & read about the town of Shady Pines & sweet citizens
(Boomer &Halley) too
Thank you Jane. That was lovely!
Very nice story
The little note from Jimmy really got to me. Thank you for the reminder to be kind
The snow day message is what makes Shady Pines so wonderful! Always sharing the message of kindness especially when we face challenges like unexpected weather like snow & ice.
It reminds me of many snow days as a northerner when everyone went out to shovel & help those who needed it.
Thank you for sharing that Teresa!
It’s so refreshing to see random acts of kindness, just like I experienced in my own neighborhood when it snowed on Wednesday. We all are better when we practice kindness! Thank you,
That’s so nice to hear Sharon!
Lovely story! Snow is a rarity here and there’s nothing more beautiful than freshly fallen snow. It’s a time to slow down, check in on friends and neighbors and enjoy nature’s majesty. Be safe, all!
Very nice message Kathy.Thank you!
I woke up this morning and for a split second I thought I was back on Long Island. I moved south to get away from all the winter snow! Yes, the first snowfall is beautiful but I hope it melts quickly. Very nice message for kindness towards those who might not be able to get out in weather like this.
Thank you Barbara!
There is something magical about snow days that seems to bring out the best in people. Stay warm.
That’s a wonderful thought.Thank you Tammy!
I can hear the voices as I read. Wonderful! Concerned for the child whose parent is deployed.
Thank you so much Amy!
Happy Snow Day to Shady Pines! Hope everyone enjoys the natural beauty of new snow…and that it melts quickly! Thanks for sharing the news.
Thank you Jerry. Stay warm in Nashville!
Happy Snow Day to Shady Pines! Hope everyone enjoys the natural beauty of new snow…and that it melts quickly!
I like the way these stories always remind us to be kind. We could all use more of that right now
That first snow of the year can be so much fun as long as it’s not too much snow. Some nice messaging here
Our dog wore doggie rubber boots today. We never thought we would need those here in the south!
Edna and Harold are a perfect example of caring and kindness.
Thanks for another lovely post.
Thank you and glad that you had some doggie rubber boots on hand!
A much younger friend just plowed our driveway then shoveled our walkway to our surprise. Kindness is spreading.
That’s lovely. Tank you for sharing!
Hey Shady Pines. I live in the south too and we also got snow.
What a sweet story. Perfect for a snow day