No Debby but More Rain
Tropical Storm Debby is finally outta here. Her visit to Shady Pines Story Town dumped over fifteen inches of rain in some places! Why that’s enough to fill buckets.
And now, another round of rain pelts down on the Sander’s house. Harold and Edna spend a lot of time reading to their four-legged kids, Boomerang, an Australian Shepherd dog and Halley’s Comet, a silver streak of a cat.
“Oh this is a good story,” says Edna. “It’s about a dog and cat who wound up lost far from their families. They were soon found by a couple who never had children of their own.”
Harold chimes in. “And that’s how the four of them became a loving family.”
Instant Family
Boomer and Halley look at one another.
“Wait just a cotton pickin’ minute,” says Halley. “That’s our story.”
Boomer cocks his head to one side. “It sure does sound like us.”
Halley licks her paw and looks down. “I remember what it was like being lost. It was scary.”
“Course you were scared,” says Boomer. “Because you’re a scaredy-cat.”
Halley whips her head up. “Oh. So you didn’t mind not having a place to sleep? Or anything to eat?”
Boomer shakes his head. “No. You’re right. That part was bad.”
Both Boomer and Halley are suddenly quiet. Their memories of those days without a home are as dark as the clouds outside.
Time For a Walk
Harold breaks the mood.
“Hey, Boomer buddy. We need some exercise. What do you say we take a walk?”
Boomer barks. “Ruff!”
Edna stands up and stretches her body every which-way. “I think that’s a good idea. Better put your gear on in case it rains harder.”
Now Halley is smiling. “Yeah Boomer ‘ole buddy. Time to go out in the rain and do your business.”
Boomer growls at her. “Halley, don’t start with me.”
“Yes- sir-eee, “says Halley. “I’ll be right here using my kitty box with the nice, dry litter.”
Harold doesn’t understand why Boomer is growling. “Boomer what’s gotten into you?”
Edna hands Boomer’s leash to Harold. “Be careful. Watch out for deep puddles.”
Let’s Get Baking
As Harold and Boomer head out, Edna turns to Halley. “Hey, girl. Let’s do something nice for the guys. We’ll have a yummy snack ready for them when they get back.”
Halley rubs up against Edna’s leg. Edna picks her up. “You think that’s a good idea, do you? Okay then.”
It’s been a while since Edna has whipped up a batch of her award winning chocolate chip cookies. She won a blue ribbon at the State Fair for her recipe.
“On a gloomy day like this I think cookies and some dog and kitty treats will perk up our spirits.”
Edna gets all of her ingredients together and puts them into Gertie the blender.
“Uh-oh,” says Edna. “Gertie’s about to blow her top. I need to take her down a few speeds. Whew. That’s better.”
Halley watches from a safe distance while sitting on her favorite pink window seat. She’s seen Gertie go haywire before.
It’s best to give the little green gadget some space. Besides she has to keep one eye out for Boomer’s return.
Before long, the back door swings opens and a very soaked dog and waterlogged man appear.
“Boy oh boy,” gasps Harold. “I’d say it’s coming down like cats and dogs, but I don’t want to upset our kids.”
Edna hustles over to him with a dry towel. “Here sweetheart,” she says. “You can wipe off your face and glasses with this.”
Boomer shakes his whole body. Edna has a towel for him, too. She bends down beside him.
“Come here my sweet Boomer. Let’s get you dried off.”
Boomer licks Edna’s hand.
Halley rolls her eyes. “Oh brother. You just live for the attention don’t you?”
Boomer stares at the perched cat. “You’re one to talk Miss Priss. What you won’t do for a can of tuna…”
Halley swishes her tail. “Oh yeah?”
Harold hangs up his drenched raincoat, hat and umbrella. “Edna I’m going to change clothes. Be right back.”
Edna checks on the cookies baking in the oven. “Okay, dear.”
Next, Edna reaches into the pantry. She pulls out a new chewy bone for Boomer and some cat treats for Halley.
Sweet Treats
“Come on down girl. I’m putting these in your bowl. Here you go Boom.”
Harold returns in dry clothes and combed hair. “That feels better. What do I smell?”
Edna placess some warm, gooey cookies on a plate next to a hot cup of coffee for him. She has the same for herself. “I thought you might like a sweet treat after your adventure in the rain.”
Harold lights up. “Thank you honey. You’re something special, you know that?”
Another wonderful example that kindness and caring goes a long way even on a rainy afternoon in the small Southern town of Shady Pines.
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