Mayor Fibbs and the Importance of Honesty

Mayor Beauregard P. Fibbs grew up in Shady Pines Story Town. From the time he was a young child, he was seen around town helping the neighbors. His parents taught him to be respectful and always say please and thank you, and to hold the door open for someone who had their hands full with groceries or stuff.
As a teenager, he worked at the corner grocer stocking shelves and keeping the place neat and tidy. Everyone liked Beauregard, but they noticed every so often he stretched the truth a bit. There was the time he told his friends that Mrs. Billingsley tipped him $3 dollars to take her groceries to the car for her. When word of that got back to Mrs. Billingsley, she was surprised and decided to have a talk with that young man.
“Now see here, Beauregard, you’re going around telling people something that just isn’t true,” the silver haired woman told the young clerk. “You know full well I tipped you $1.50. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Well, Beau felt very badly and just looked down at his feet. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Billingsley. I don’t know why I told them that.”
Mrs. Billingsley shook her head. “It’s important that you tell the truth. Why my late husband, Harry, used to say that a man is only as good as his word. And, Beauregard, I want you to grow up to be a good man.”
From that day on, Beauregard tried very hard to always tell the truth. Nowadays as the town’s mayor, he sometimes falls back into old habits. The thing is, when Beauregard does get caught telling a fib, he is very sorry and takes responsibility. That’s why people in town like him. Even though like the rest of us he’s not perfect, they know he’s doing his best to be a good person.
A Special Mayoral Election
You can find out more about the time Mayor Fibbs had to own up to his mistakes by reading Boomer and Halley Election Day – A Town Votes for Civic Responsibility. Click on the book cover to experience an election like none other!
Boomer and Halley Books
Each Boomer and Halley book has 4 life lessons embedded in the story line and highlighted on the page with a PAW mark. Using the perforated bookmark with prompting questions you can find out if your young reader (4-8 years old) understands concepts like: Sportsmanship, Honesty, Manners, Respecting Property, Tolerance, Kindness, and so on.