A Little History 

Springtime weekends in Shady Pines are chock full of things to do. We have festivals, concerts, fundraising events and so much more. But there is one date on the calendar that gets more attention than all the others

Can you guess what it is?

Mother’s Day! This year we celebrate the moms in our lives on Sunday, May 12th.

Do you know how this yearly celebration started?

Most folks believe the beginning of Mother’s Day in the U.S.  can be traced to Anna Jarvis, a woman from Philadelphia. Way back in 1907 Anna began a campaign to establish a national day to honor mothers everywhere.

She convinced her mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death. That date fell on the 2nd Sunday of May.

Anna’s Mom

Anna’s mother had gumption. Her name was, Ann Reeves Jarvis.

She was a young homemaker who taught Sunday school lessons in her Appalachian mountain home in West Virginia. Back in the 1800’s she organized “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs.”

Ann wanted to help educate mothers about nutrition; the importance of a clean house to fight off illness; and how to make a diference in the lives of their children and their community.

During the Civil War, the mission of the Mother’s Day Work Clubs changed. The women began caring for soldiers wounded in the fighting. Those battles raged across the mountains during the first years of the war.

Mother Jarvis encouraged her members to help out no matter which side their men had chosen.

After the war she proposed a Mothers’ Friendship Day to promote peace between former Union and Confederate families.

A Special Day Goes National

Given her mother’s  valuable work, it’s not surpising Anna decided it was important to publicly celebrate the incredible women who care, nurture and inspire us. 

You may be surprised to know that Anna Jarvis never had children of her own.

But her continued efforts to get recognition for the women who do have kids was finally recognized. President Woodrow Wilson made it official on May 9, 1914.

Shady Pines Celebrates

Back here in our small Southern town folks are planning all sorts of ways to show the mothers in their lives some love.

Why even over at the Sanders’ house Boomer and Halley are showing affection for their “mom” Edna with a card. Of course Harold had to help them out a bit.

However you wind up expressing your love and gratitude for that special mom in your life, we hope you have a wonderful and memorable day!

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