A Famous Shady Pines Father is a Good Role Model

A Famous Shady Pines Father is a Good Role Model

Why We Honor Fathers

A father is so very important in the lives of his children – even if his children have four legs!

A good father guides, encourages, supports and loves his kids unconditionally. That’s why in honor of Father’s Day, we want you to know Harold Sanders is that kind of dad.

He’s also the most famous father here in Shady Pines Story Town.

Harold and his wife, Edna, never had children of their own. But the day Boomerang, an Australian Shepherd dog, and Halley’s Comet, a silver streak of a cat came into their lives, everything changed.

When they adopted the two strays, Harold and Edna officially became parents. They had no idea the challenges they would face as the Sanders became a family of four.

Not So Fast

Boomer and Halley weren’t all that excited about becoming an instant brother and sister act. Boomerang had grown up out west on a ranch where his herding instincts made him a natural for rounding up cattle.

He left U.B. Good Ranch in a pickup truck with his favorite ranch hand bound for a dog show. That’s when everything changed. Clint stopped to fill up the truck with gas. Boomer heard a squirrel in the nearby bushes and took off. He wound up lost in Shady Pines.

Meanwhile, Halley was living the good life with a family up north in a beautiful neighborhood.

The little girl of the family spoiled her with gifts and all the tuna she could eat.

The silver kitty was used to going on trips with the family. But one vacation where they headed down South turned everything around for Halley’s Comet.

The family left her in the car for just a minute to go inside a restaurant to get lunch. They left the windows down a bit so their favorite feline would have enough air.

That’s when Halley heard a bird chirping. Instinct took over and the silver streak was out the window and gone. You guessed it. She found herself lost in Shady Pines.

Family Unit

You know the best part about this new family? They learned to live together with rules, laughter and love. Even though the Sanders’ family gets a lot of attention around town due to Boomer and Halley’s antics, it never goes to their heads.

They’re not stuck up at all. Oh, sure, Halley can be a little snooty at times, but she was like that from the beginning. And Boomer always puts her in her place.

Edna is so creative and fun. Harold is the steady one who sets such a good example. He is a decent, hard-working man who looks you right in the eye when he talks.

He believes in doing a good job, loves to laugh, and doesn’t have to raise his voice to get attention. Harold walks with quiet confidence and leads by example.

It’s funny but Boomer and Halley seem to want to please him. They feel really badly when they disappoint him. Don’t get me wrong. they’re kids after all, so they can get into trouble.

That look he gives them when they’ve done something wrong is enough to snap them back into good behavior.

Folks around Shady Pines admire the man who owns the town’s Nuts ‘N Bolts hardware store with its old-fashioned soda fountain slap dab in the middle of the store.

That’s where locals enjoy listening to Harold spin a story. Harold Sanders is like a lot of our neighbors who love to tell stories filled with positive themes. Seems all they want to do is inspire young children to grow up and be good people.

That’s why we’re known as Shady Pines Story Town where  kindness and caring is a way of life. People here don’t just talk about being good to one another, they actually try to live that way.Adults reading a book

Just another reason to celebrate the contributions of Harold Sanders and all the fathers making a difference in the lives of their children!

If you’d like to help your kids make their own Father’s Day gifts we found a site for you GO HERE


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Shady Pines Shares Info about Mother’s Day You Might Not Know

Shady Pines Shares Info about Mother’s Day You Might Not Know

A Little History 

Springtime weekends in Shady Pines are chock full of things to do. We have festivals, concerts, fundraising events and so much more. But there is one date on the calendar that gets more attention than all the others

Can you guess what it is?

Mother’s Day! This year we celebrate the moms in our lives on Sunday, May 12th.

Do you know how this yearly celebration started?

Most folks believe the beginning of Mother’s Day in the U.S.  can be traced to Anna Jarvis, a woman from Philadelphia. Way back in 1907 Anna began a campaign to establish a national day to honor mothers everywhere.

She convinced her mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death. That date fell on the 2nd Sunday of May.

Anna’s Mom

Anna’s mother had gumption. Her name was, Ann Reeves Jarvis.

She was a young homemaker who taught Sunday school lessons in her Appalachian mountain home in West Virginia. Back in the 1800’s she organized “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs.”

Ann wanted to help educate mothers about nutrition; the importance of a clean house to fight off illness; and how to make a diference in the lives of their children and their community.

During the Civil War, the mission of the Mother’s Day Work Clubs changed. The women began caring for soldiers wounded in the fighting. Those battles raged across the mountains during the first years of the war.

Mother Jarvis encouraged her members to help out no matter which side their men had chosen.

After the war she proposed a Mothers’ Friendship Day to promote peace between former Union and Confederate families.

A Special Day Goes National

Given her mother’s  valuable work, it’s not surpising Anna decided it was important to publicly celebrate the incredible women who care, nurture and inspire us. 

You may be surprised to know that Anna Jarvis never had children of her own.

But her continued efforts to get recognition for the women who do have kids was finally recognized. President Woodrow Wilson made it official on May 9, 1914.

Shady Pines Celebrates

Back here in our small Southern town folks are planning all sorts of ways to show the mothers in their lives some love.

Why even over at the Sanders’ house Boomer and Halley are showing affection for their “mom” Edna with a card. Of course Harold had to help them out a bit.

However you wind up expressing your love and gratitude for that special mom in your life, we hope you have a wonderful and memorable day!

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The Easter Egg Hunt in Shady Pines. What Could Go Wrong?

The Easter Egg Hunt in Shady Pines. What Could Go Wrong?

Let The Hunt Begin!

Springtime in Shady Pines Story Town is magical. Rain showers give way to clear blue skies, beautiful flowers. Easter is on the way.

Let’s take you back to a recent Easter weekend and an annual that includes a dash involving children, lots of sugar, and general mayhem. What could go wrong?

The Arrival

A big banner hangs over the entrance to Stonewall Park: Shady Pines Annual Easter Egg Hunt. On this bright Saturday morning, families arrive by the carload. Harold and Edna Sanders find a parking place close to all the action.

Their four-legged kids, Boomerang, an Australian Shepherd dog and Halley’s Comet, a silver streak of a cat, are with them.

“Here we are gang,” says Harold. “Look at all the people!”

Edna pauses for a moment to take in the scene. She sees balloons tied to booths where people are selling all sorts of foods and drinks.

“Harold, how about some hot chocolate?”

Harold snaps the leash onto Boomer’s collar. “That sounds good. Boomer and I will get us some.”

Meanwhile Halley fidgets with her pink walking harness. Edna holds her leash. “C’mon Halley. Let’s mingle.”

Once back together, holding cups of steaming hot chocolate, Harold and Edna search for the sign-in table.

“I can see it, Edna. It’s right over there.”

The Sanders’ family heads in that direction. At the same time, a group of children dressed in colorful clothes and bunny ears races past them, nearly knocking them over.

Boomer barks. “Hey, watch where you’re going!”

“We’d get in trouble if we did that,” says Halley.

Edna regains her balance. “Whoopsie. That was close.”

Harold reaches for her hand. “I think those kids are eating too many chocolate Easter bunnies.”

Edna agrees. “Look around. Hot chocolate, chocolate eggs and bunnies, jelly beans, candy. No wonder the kids are hyper.”

The Assignment

A woman is waving at them. “Yoo-Hoo! Harold, Edna!”

“It’s Maggie,” says Edna.

Harold recognizes the owner of Maggie’s Diner. “Hey, Maggie.”

Maggie reaches down to pat Boomer and pet Halley. “Hi you guys. Let’s get you checked in. I’ve got a list of the children you’ll be helping.”

Boomer barks. “Oh, boy! Halley, we’re going to round up kids.”

Halley rolls her eyes. “Boomer, I know you’re a herding expert. But this is a search thing, not a round-up.”

“You don’t know,” says Boomer.

“Do, too,” says Halley.

“Do not.”

Maggie hands a map to Harold and Edna. It shows where each group will hunt for treats. “You folks will have 4 kids in your group to manage.”

They’re Off!

Before you can say, “hop to it,” the children arrive at the starting point giggling and laughing. They carry baskets and buckets and are ready to go.

“All right everyone,” says Harold. “Remember to look high and low all over this area.”

“We’ll be here to help,” says Edna. “Ready, set, GO!”

With one big burst of energy a whole bunch of little legs start running in all directions.

“Honey, how ’bout Boomer and I go that way and you and Halley go over yonder,” suggests Harold.

Edna looks at Harold. “And we’re actually going to help them find more chocolate?”

“Yep. That’s the plan,” says Harold.

“Halley, I bet I find more stuff than you do,” yells Boomer.

Halley yells back, “Oh, no, you won’t!”

Most of the kids start by collecting the eggs right in front of them on the ground. Others get more adventurous and try to climb trees. A couple of boys dash off through a hedge of bushes and out of bounds.

Go Get ‘Em!

“Uh-oh. Boomer it’s time to do your thing. Let’s go round up those little whipper snappers,” says Harold.

Boomer barks. “I knew it. I told that silly cat this was a job for a herding dog.” With that, Boomer takes off.

“Whoa! Boomer! Not so FAST!” yells Harold.

Meanwhile, Edna notices one little girl sitting by herself under a tree. “Halley, let’s go over and talk to her.” Halley meows.

“Hi sweetie, says Edna. “This is Halley’s Comet, or Halley, for short. What’s your name?”

The youngster with the big brown eyes and pigtails pets Halley. “Susan.”

Halley purrs.

“Don’t you want to hunt for Easter eggs, Susan?” asks Edna.

“I never find as many as the other kids. Plus, my mom doesn’t like me to eat sugar.”

Edna thinks for a moment. “How would like it if Halley helps you find some of the real eggs that are hidden? They’re good for you.”

Susan lights up. “OK.”

It’s not long before the children’s baskets and buckets fill up with colorful real and plastic eggs, clusters of jelly beans, chocolate bunnies and more. Some of the plastic eggs include notes.

Susan finds one of those.

“What does it say?” asks Edna.

Susan unfolds the piece of paper. “It says ‘do 5  jumping jacks.'”

“Well, isn’t that clever,” says Edna.

What Did You Find?

While enthusiasm for the hunt is still strong, some of the children start to peter out. They’ve been searching for a long time and are getting tired. A few of them line up and compare what they’ve hauled in.

“How many chocolate eggs did you get?” asks Betty.

“Um. A bunch. But I got a lot of plastic eggs with candy inside,” answers Ellen.

“I got some of those. But these have carrot sticks in them,” says Tim.

“Hey, does anyone want my jelly beans?” asks Simon.

“I’ll trade you some jelly beans for some of my chocolate eggs,” says Betty.

Harold and Boomer catch up with Edna and Halley. “Hi, honey. How did things go?” asks Harold.

“It went well,” says Edna. “Some of the kids got really competitive. I had to remind them there was plenty for everyone and they should be nice to one another. What about you?”

Harold strokes Boomer’s head. “Well, there was nearly a fight over a big chocolate bunny. Oh, and our favorite cattle herding dog had no trouble rounding up some wayward boys.”

“I told you Halley. I told you I’d have to round up somebody,” says Boomer.

Halley shakes her head. “Oh Pah-Leeze. You’re such a hero.”

“I know,” says Boomer.

“I was kidding,” says Halley.

Harold hugs his wife. “That was fun. But what do you say we head home?”

Edna smiles. “Good idea. We need to figure out what we’re going to have for Easter dinner.”

“Let me guess. We’re not going to have chocolate cake?” asks Harold.

Edna winks at him. “Not Eggs-actly!”

And that’s where we leave the Sanders family as they make their way home to Dogwood Drive across from Copycat Lane in the small Southern town of Shady Pines.

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Top 5 Facts to Know about Spring in Shady Pines

Top 5 Facts to Know about Spring in Shady Pines

It’s Spring Y’all!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Our top story in The Shady Pines Gazette is that as of Tuesday March 19th Spring has Sprung! That’s right.

The good people of Shady Pines Story Town are brimming with excitement and energy. I’m Zulah Talmadge, Editor of The Gazette, and together with Scoop The Cub Reporter, we are on the story.

The truth is, Scoop and I love this time of year here in our small Southern town. There’s just a wonderful feel to the air.

We put our heads together and came up with the Top 5 Things we think about most this time of year. See if you agree with us.

Reasons We Love Spring

1. Warmer Temperatures

As winter fades from the calendar, the temperature slowly starts to rise.

We go from building creations in the snow while wearing heavy coats, scarves  and boots to something else entirely.

In the blink of an eye, we bring out light jackets, then sweaters and finally short sleeves.

Soon you hear children laughing and see them chasing one another while playing all sorts of games outside.

2. Longer Days

The reason all of us are staying outside more is becuase the days are getting longer.With the arrival of spring, daylight hours extend as the sun rises earlier and sets later.

This increase in daylight very clearly shows us the changing season.A happy family hugging their pets

And as an added benefit, all those rays of sunshine help lift our moods and increase our energy. Don’t just take our word for it. Watch the pets in your life and see how they’re reacting.

If they’re anything like the Sanders’ favorite critters, Boomer and Halley, you’ll have your hands and arms full keeping up with them!

The Azaela Festival

4. Blooming Flowers

One of the most visually striking signs of spring is the arrival of those springtime flowers.

Acoss the southern region where we live all kinds of flowers bloom during this time. Parks, gardens, and neighborhoods burst with vibrant colors.

Why you can see tulips, daffodils, cherry blossoms, and magnolias popping up.

But around here we are partial to azaleas.

In fact, azaleas are such a big deal, we created a whole festival devoted to them. Yep.

We call it – what else? The Azalea Festival. People get all dressed up to attend a whole weekend filled with events and live entertainment.

There’s even a full scale parade with an Azalea Queen and her Court.

It’s a bloomin’ good time for one and all!

What We Don’t Like

5. Allergy Season

Not to be a downer but we do have to mention a not-so-peasant part of all those flowering plants and trees.

One of the Signs of Spring is the increase in pollen levels which triggers seasonal allergies for a lot of us.

Those springtime trees, grasses, and flowers release pollen into the air.

If you’re sensitive to pollen you’ll probably find yourself with symptom like sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes.

Fortunately the pollen usually only lasts a few weeks.

Then you can put away the allergy meds, tissues and eye drops and enjoy spring to the fullest.

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They’re Seeing Red In Shady Pines for Good Reason!

They’re Seeing Red In Shady Pines for Good Reason!

Red Alert

There are three good reasons to wear red this month. Do you know what they are?

I’m Zulah Talmadge, editor of The Shady Pines Gazette and we’re working on a story about that very thing.

You see first of all it’s Heart Month. This is the time each year to really focus on your heart health. More on that in a minute.

And of course, Februray 14th is Valentine’s Day. That’s the day we set aside each year to express our deepest affections for our loved ones. Bring on the flowers and chocolate!

Dragons Rule

Finally, this month marks the begining of the Chinese New Year of the Dragon. And the color associated with that is – you guessed it. Red!

What do you really know about this Year of the Wood Dragon? It runs from Feb. 10, 2024 – Jan. 28, 2025.

Someone very well known here in Shady Pines was born under this sign. And he’s our very own mayor, Beauregard P. Fibbs.

A zodiac sign in the Chinese calendar is an animal that represents each year in a 12-year cycle.

A person’s Chinese zodiac sign is determined by his or her date of birth. Which one is yours?  GO HERE

You might be interested to know that people born in the year of the Dragon are: charismatic, intelligent, confident, powerful, naturally gifted, and lucky.

Sounds a lot like Mayor Fibbs to me! 

Heart Health

Heart Health Month is a good time to protect yourself against heart disease. It’s never too young to start.

Rita Malena can tell you all about this topic. She’s the Director of The Shady Pines Community Center. A couple of  years ago Rita discovered heart disease runs in her family.

Rita says even youngsters like Ray Robinson can help themselves by doing small heart-healthy actions like running around more with Boomer and Halley.

Besides exercise, choosing to eat healthy foods also helps. Just doing those two things can have a big impact on protecting our hearts.

Because she’s an adult, Rita says her doctor also suggests that she have some basic screenings.

She should be checked for blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and body mass index. 

The Heart Of The Matter

Now we come to the red day in mid February devoted to love. Valentine’s Day means different things to different people.

But at the heart of it, February 14th is the day set aside to remind that special someone in your life how much they mean to you.

In the Sanders household there’s a twist. The love between Harold and Edna Sanders is widely known. 

But ever since that Australian Shepherd dog, Boomerang and the silver streak of a cat, Halley’s Comet came to live with them, well the love has expanded four-paws fold.

Oh sure, there are times when Harold and Edna freely admit those two rascals get on their last nerve! 

On the other hand, this once childless couple now has two spunky kids that they wouldn’t trade for anything.

So you tell me. That’s love isn’t it?

Happy Valentines Day from all of us at Shady Pines Story Town to you!

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How We Experience Martin Luther King Day in Shady Pines

How We Experience Martin Luther King Day in Shady Pines

An Important Message

A new year is just beginning. What a wonderful opportunity for all of us set a respectful and kind tone in the year ahead. Remembering the life of a true leader is a good way to start.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday, January 16. Many of our businesses in Shady Pines will be closed on this national holiday.

Rita Marena is the Director of the Community Center. Since the elementary school next door will also be closed, Rita is putting together a program Monday to help children know more about this important civil rights hero.

Who Is Martin Luther King, Jr?

He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929.  Martin Luther King Jr. made it his life’s mission to bring compassion, fairness and equality to all Americans.

Not everyone believed the way he did back in the 1950’s and ’60’s. To bring about change in America, Dr. King became a social activist and civil rights leader.

He lived in the South and fought against the longstanding practice he experienced that not all people were treated the same. He saw that Black people did not have the same rights as White people so he led peaceful marches and nonviolent protests.

Guided By Family, Faith and The Constitution

Martin became a Baptist minister. His faith guided him to believe in justice and the United States Constitution which says that all people in this country have the same rights no matter the color of their hair, skin, religion, age, disability or nationality.

He was married to Coretta Scott King, who helped lead the way during the civil rights movement. They were married nearly 15 years.

Dr. King gave his life for his Dream of Equality for All. Thousands of people were there for his famous speech on the mall in Washington DC where he declared that dream.

Shortly after that, Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Dream Lives On

Monday at the Shady Pines Community Center Rita will lead the celebration of Martin Luther King Day. Children will be asked to think about their dreams. What inspires them?

Ray Robinson will be there. He’s been learning about Dr. King in school and he will talk about ways kids and their families can make the world a kinder place through peaceful change, just like Dr. King did. 

The children will write down their dreams and ideas or draw pictures. Then they’ll have something on paper to hang on the fridge or elsewhere at home. It will be a source of inspiration throughout the year.

Martin Luther King’s legacy continues to lift up people who learn about his determination to make us better people and a better nation. You can visit the monument created in his honor in Washington, DC.

Written on the side of the monument are theses words: “Out Of The Mountain Of Despair A Stone Of  Hope.”

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