How We Experience Martin Luther King Day in Shady Pines

How We Experience Martin Luther King Day in Shady Pines

An Important Message

A new year is just beginning. What a wonderful opportunity for all of us set a respectful and kind tone in the year ahead. Remembering the life of a true leader is a good way to start.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday, January 16. Many of our businesses in Shady Pines will be closed on this national holiday.

Rita Marena is the Director of the Community Center. Since the elementary school next door will also be closed, Rita is putting together a program Monday to help children know more about this important civil rights hero.

Who Is Martin Luther King, Jr?

He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929.  Martin Luther King Jr. made it his life’s mission to bring compassion, fairness and equality to all Americans.

Not everyone believed the way he did back in the 1950’s and ’60’s. To bring about change in America, Dr. King became a social activist and civil rights leader.

He lived in the South and fought against the longstanding practice he experienced that not all people were treated the same. He saw that Black people did not have the same rights as White people so he led peaceful marches and nonviolent protests.

Guided By Family, Faith and The Constitution

Martin became a Baptist minister. His faith guided him to believe in justice and the United States Constitution which says that all people in this country have the same rights no matter the color of their hair, skin, religion, age, disability or nationality.

He was married to Coretta Scott King, who helped lead the way during the civil rights movement. They were married nearly 15 years.

Dr. King gave his life for his Dream of Equality for All. Thousands of people were there for his famous speech on the mall in Washington DC where he declared that dream.

Shortly after that, Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Dream Lives On

Monday at the Shady Pines Community Center Rita will lead the celebration of Martin Luther King Day. Children will be asked to think about their dreams. What inspires them?

Ray Robinson will be there. He’s been learning about Dr. King in school and he will talk about ways kids and their families can make the world a kinder place through peaceful change, just like Dr. King did. 

The children will write down their dreams and ideas or draw pictures. Then they’ll have something on paper to hang on the fridge or elsewhere at home. It will be a source of inspiration throughout the year.

Martin Luther King’s legacy continues to lift up people who learn about his determination to make us better people and a better nation. You can visit the monument created in his honor in Washington, DC.

Written on the side of the monument are theses words: “Out Of The Mountain Of Despair A Stone Of  Hope.”

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Making New Year’s Resolutions in Shady Pines with Boomer and Halley

Making New Year’s Resolutions in Shady Pines with Boomer and Halley

A New Year Is Near

Shadows deepen early each day in late December. Streetlights around Shady Pines flicker on just after 5 pm. Why, before you know it, it’ll be New Year’s Day 2024!

Edna Sanders hums a little tune as she prepares dinner in her kitchen. She has the radio on and music fills the home on Dogwood Drive across from Copy Cat Lane.

Halley’s Comet, sits on her window seat licking her paws. The silver streak of a cat has just finished her dinner of dry and wet cat food mixed together. She’s had a sip of water and is now settling in for a nap.

Heading Home

Before long, Edna’s husband, Harold, will be home from work. He usually closes up his Nuts ‘N Bolts hardware store on Main Street around 6 pm. Once he switches the front window sign to CLOSED and locks the door, it’s just a short walk to the Sanders’ house. This evening, the family dog, Boomerang, will be at his side.

“It was fun having you at the store today, Boomer,” says Harold as he pats the Australian Shepherd’s head. “You were a lot of help.” Harold gives the multi colored dog a treat from one of the many wooden barrels near the cash register. “Ruff,” says Boomer.

Harold laughs. “I didn’t forget. I’ve got the calendar right here to bring home to mom. You ready to go?” Boomer wags his bobbed tail.

Once outside, the night air hits them. “Ooh. It’s a good thing I have my jacket, scarf and gloves. It’s a bit chilly this evening.” Boomer pulls on the leash. “You’re right. Let’s walk a little faster, shall we?”

In just a matter of minutes Harold is reaching for his key to unlock the back door of the Sander’s house. “Honey, we’re home.”

The 4-Legged Kids

Edna turns. “Hi sweetie. Come here Boom, let me give you a hug. Did you take care of dad today?”

Halley rolls her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Boomer gives her a look. “What’s with you?”

Halley sits up and looks right at him. “Boomer, you can’t even take care of yourself.”

Boomer sits quietly as Edna unhooks the leash from his collar and hangs it on the hook next to the door.

“Halley, you’re just jealous ‘cause people make a fuss over me at dad’s store,” says Boomerang.

Halley sighs. “No. Not jealous. Just amazed that humans can’t see you’re such a knucklehead.”

Boomer growls softly under his breath.

Meanwhile Harold puts away his jacket, scarf and gloves in the closet by the back door and walks over to Edna. He takes her in his arms and gives her a kiss. “I love you.”

Halley puts her paws over her eyes. “Oh, no. Boomer, they’re getting mushy again.”

Boomer looks away. “Is it over?”

Mapping Out 2024

Edna sees Harold has something in his hand. “What’s that?” she asks.

“Next year’s calendar. Is this one okay?” asks Harold.

“Absolutley. Thank you dear. I want us to start thinking about our New Year’s Resolutions.”

Harold nods. “We can try. You know we’re not too good at following through with those.”

As he talks, Edna scoops dog food into Boomer’s bowl. “Here you go, boy.” Boomer chows down. He didn’t realize he was so hungry.

“Harold, our dinner will be ready in just a few minutes,” says Edna. “Halley’s already eaten.”

Harold crosses the room and strokes Halley’s head. She jumps into his arms. “And how’s our princess this evening, huh? Have you had a good day?”

Halley purrs and rubs her head against Harold’s cheek.

Boomer can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Princess? Did he just call you princess?”

Halley grins at Boomer.  “Cool it, will ya? Clearly the man has good taste.”

Boomer groans. “Oh, brother.”

Now that dinner is over, the dishes washed and put away, it’s time for some goal setting. Edna has her notepad and pen ready to go.

“All right. Where shall we begin?”

Harold clears his throat. “Well let’s start with some categories like personal, home, and work.”

Edna is thrilled. “That’s a great idea. We’ll list maybe two or three resolutions per category. Let’s keep it simple.”

With that, Edna rips off a couple of pages of paper and gives Harold a pen.

“This just might work. We’ve had too many New Year’s resolutions last year.”

Edna is already writing. “Exactly. I think we should have some for Boomer and Halley, too.”

Both pets look up at the same time.

New Challenges

“Did she just say we’re going to be part of this?” asks Boomer.

Halley is worried. “What do they have in mind?”

Harold has a question. “What are you thinking for the kids?”

“Well,” says Edna, “I’m thinking agility classes for Boomer. I hear Australian Shepherds are very good at it.”

“Well he really likes to run fast that’s for sure,” says Harold. “What about Halley?”

Edna thinks for a moment. “I think we should try another ‘walking on a leash’ class for my girl. She still doesn’t have the hang of it yet.”

Harold likes these ideas. “By golly, woman. This could be fun!”

“Fun?” asks Halley. “I know how to walk on a leash. But no self-respecting cat should be asked to do it!”

Boomer is confused. “Isn’t agility the same thing as my herding skills?”

Halley shakes her head. “Apparently not. You’re going to have to jump over and around things and crawl through stuff while running full out!”

“Why?” asks Boomer.

“Don’t ask me,” says Halley. “I don’t know why I have to wear a harness and be pulled down a sidewalk.”

Edna is happy that Harold likes her ideas. “This way we can build on what the kids already do well. We know Boomer is quick and uses all his athletic skills to round up humans.”

Boomer cocks his head. “Well, that’s true.”

Play To Your Strength

Harold agrees with his wife. “Yes, and Halley likes to show she can do things other cats can’t do. It gets people to notice her and she adores being the center of attention.”

Halley sighs. “He knows me so well.”

The thought of Halley strutting down Main Street makes Edna smile. “So, now that we’ve figured out what the kids will do, what about us?”

Harold thinks for a moment. “Well, under the personal column, I want to get in better shape, and spend more time with you and the kids.”

Edna has some thoughts for that column, too. “I want to lose about 10 pounds, come up with new recipes for the cookbook I’m writing. Oh, and I want to find ways to better show how much I appreciate my family, friends, and this wonderful community.”

Edna looks at Harold. “What’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing. Have I told you lately that you are a lovely person?”

Edna responds. “I feel the same way about you. You know, we’re really lucky.”

Harold nods.

Start The Year Off Right

And that’s where we leave the Sanders’ family on this evening in late December. Harold and Edna continue to write down the rest of their resolutions.

Halley snoozes soundly on her window seat. Boomer curls up on his dog bed right below her and yawns. A new year is right around the corner.

There will be celebrations and lots of opportunities to express kindness and caring in the new year. After all, that’s what folks do in the small Southern town of Shady Pines.

Happy New Year!

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Tracking Christmas Hope, Peace, Joy and Love with our Shady Pines Advent Calendar

Tracking Christmas Hope, Peace, Joy and Love with our Shady Pines Advent Calendar

Countdown To Christmas

December is right around the corner. You know what that means. The tempo of everyday life is about to go into overdrive.

Christmas decorations show up all over Shady Pines from stores to neighborhoods. Radio stations play Christmas carols non stop. And that’s not all.

There are invitations to parties, Christmas cards and greetings to send, school plays to attend. The annual To-Do list keeps getting longer.

Not to mention the ads for toys are everywhere.

It can get overwhelming.

So during this hectic season how can we slow down and consider what’s really important?

One Day At a Time

It seems Edna Sanders has an idea. She’s in the family’s kitchen opening a package. “Look, Harold.  This just arrived.”

Harold pours another cup of coffee and looks over at his wife. “What do you have there ‘hon?”

“Why it’s the Advent Calendar I ordered.”

Harold moves closer. “I didn’t know you’d done that.”

Edna shows the seasonal calendar to him. “Starting the first of December this one highlights important messages each day.”

“Like what?” asks Harold.

Edna shows Harold the back of the calendar. “Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. It says here that that’s what each of the Sundays during Advent represent.”

She keeps reading. “The season of Advent has been seen by Christians around the world as a way to get ready for the coming birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. That’s why each day on an Avent Calendar is its own special celebration.”

“You also may also see Avent Wreaths. Each candle has a separate meaning.”

“Huh,” says Harold. “Look. The first candle is Hope to symbolize the Prophesy. It’s purple. Peace is second to represent Bethlehem. The third candle, Joy, is pink for the Shepherds and then, Love. That’s for the angels. This is so interesting.”

Edna claps her hands together. “You know what we should do?”

Harold is afraid to ask. “No. What?”

“We should make our own Advent Wreath.”

Boomer and Halley are Confused

Just then, the couple’s two four legged children wander in. Boomerang, the Australian Shepherd dog, laps water from his bowl.

Halley’s Comet, a silever streak of a cat, jumps up on the kitchen table and rubs against Edna’s shoulder.

“Hi girl,” says Edna. Look at my calendar. We’re going to open one little door each day until Christmas.”

Halley glances at Boomer. “Hey, Boom. Isn’t Christmas the day we get presents and I get to play with all that ribbon?”

Boomer plops down on Harold’s feet. “Yeah. I think so. I like to rip up the paper.”

Halley stares at Edna’s face. “I wonder why mom is so happy about this cardboard thing?”

“I dunno,” says Boomer. “It’s not even wrapped.”

Halley drops to the floor and makes a beeline to her comfy window seat. “I sure hope the folks still plan to get me a new squeaky toy.”

Boomer cocks his head. “And I could really use a new bone.”

 Memories and Lessons

Edna gazes out the kitchen’s large double pane window. “You know Harold when I was a little girl my grandmother used to get me an Advent Calendar every year.”

Harold smiles. “I didn’t know that.”

“Grandma Josie wasn’t especially religious. But she wanted me to focus on something or someone other than myself.  She made me calendars with notes to inspire me to give back to others.”

“What a lovely idea,” says Harold

Edna tilts her head. “Each day there was a message like. How can you help someone today? or What does your best friend want for Christmas?”

Harold strokes Boomer’s head. “When I was a kid, I thought Advent Calendars were just something to keep the kids busy. I never thought of them as a way to promote conversation around important issues.”

Edna looks from Halley to Boomer. “I wonder what these two would say if they knew we were going to focus more on Hope, Peace, Joy and Love this Christmas rather than toys?”

Harold chuckles. “Let’s don’t tell them just yet.”

And that’s where we leave the Sanders family on the eve of an ever-so-special season in the small Southern town of Shady Pines.

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Putting the Thanks into Thanksgiving with Thank You Notes

Putting the Thanks into Thanksgiving with Thank You Notes

Time To Give Thanks

Thanksgiving week is here. The hustle and bustle is revving up all over Shady Pines Story Town. Folks make plans to travel, to visit relatives, or to welcome family and friends coming here to stay for a spell.

I’m editor Zulah Talmadge. At The Shady Pines Gazette we like to find new ways to cover the holiday. Oh sure, Scoop the Cub Reporter and I were on hand for the Turkey Trot and other Thanksgiving-inspired events.

But we want to take a more personal approach to this holiday based on the importance of giving thanks and gathering together.

Taking Note

We’re asking our neighbors to write a thank you note of sorts and let us know what they’re grateful for this year. They can send an actual note by mail, or just send an email to our address and you can do the same:

This one comes from our very own mayor, Beauregard P. Fibbs. Let’s see what ‘ole Beau has to say, shall we?

Zulah opens the email with the official title, Mayor of Shady Pines, right there on top. Zulah thinks to herself, I can hear him clearing his throat before he wrote this. He does that before every speech.

“I believe I speak for many of the citizens of our wonderful town when I say this year we faced a most unexpected challenge. No weather forecast prepard us. When that raging storm hit us full blown over the summer we felt we had been punched in the gut. Those violent winds and flooding rains caused so much damage to businesses and homes. Afterwards, I was deeply grateful for the many acts of kindness that I saw firsthand. People stepped up and stepped in to help individuals and families who had to rebuild. I continue to be moved by the courage and selflessness of neighbor helping neighbor. In this time of Thanksgiving, let’s remember the value of community and the importnace of working together to make Shady Pines a very special place to live.”

Zulah takes a moment to collect her thoughts. She’s known Beau most of her life. They grew up together. She can’t remember when she’s heard him speak from the heart like that. “Wow. Good for you, Mr. Mayor,” she says softly.

Taking Stock and Being Grateful

Next, Zulah opens up an email from Harold and Edna Sanders. Harold’s Nuts ‘N Bolts hardware on Main Street is such a gathering spot with it’s soda fountain smack in the middle of the store. And Edna’s Kitchen off the back of their home on Dogwood Drive is the place to pop in and see what new recipe she’s cooking up for the neighbors.

“Edna and I are so thankful for all the blessings we’ve experienced this year. We’ve been able to stay healthy, which is the most important thing. The store is still going strong despite some storm damage,” says Harold.

“Darling, we need to mention that Boomer and Halley are doing well, too.  Our Boomer dog had that awful sore on his front paw but it’s so much better now,” says Edna.

Harold nods. “Yes and Halley spiked that fever and scared us to death. But thanks to the wonderful veterinarian who treats both of our kids, that clever scamp of a cat is back driving her canine brother crazy again.”

“We’re both fortunate to be able to help out down at the Shady Pines Community Center with the big, annual food drive that helps so many in need,” says Edna. Together they end their note: “This Thanksgiving we send our best wishes from our household to yours and hope that you put love and gratiude at the head of your holiday table.”

Zulah finds herself nodding her head as she reads the email from Harold and Edna. It’s so true. We all have unexpected challenges that we can’t control. It’s how we respond to the unexpected that’s important and meaningful.

Giving Back

Speaking of the Food Drive, here’s a note from Rita Moreno, Director of The Shady Pines Community Center. Let’s see what she has to say.

“Every year it seems the need for food and other services continues in our small Southern town. But this holiday season we are very aware that many of our neighbors are still struggling to recover from the storm. We reached out to our friends in nearby River City and have been overwhelmed by the response. Truckloads of food, clothing and everyday items have been arriving daily. It just goes to show you that there are good people everywhere who are willing to help. I am so grateful for the outpouring of love and generosity from strangers that is helping to rebuild lives here in Shady Pines.”

Connection Is Important

Next up is Kim Dunworthy. Our young postal worker has had her fair share of struggles. Not only did the storm damage part of the Post Office, but Kim’s apartment was hit as well. She is now living with a friend while repairs are underway. But nothing stops that young gal. She’s known as ‘Keep it Moving’ (Kim) Dunworthy. Kim’s taken on additional shifts to make sure the mail is delivered on time. Some days she’s so tired  she can barely wave to me. But still she keeps going knowing people depend on her. Their letters and packages are her highest priority.

“I am so very grateful for the faith and trust the folks in Shady Pines have placed in me. I may be fairly new but everyone here is so friendly and treats me like one of their own. This year has been tough on all of us. At the post office we had to overcome obstacles we never saw coming. I am thankful this holiday for the friends I’ve met, the kind and caring people who go out of their way to help, and the ‘never give up’ attitude all of my co-workers have shown. My very best to you all!”

Zulah pushes back her desk chair, stands up and takes a deep breath. I knew that I would probably read some sweet notes from the wonderful people who live here. I wasn’t prepared for how emotional I would feel after hearing their thoughtful and heartfelt messages. I think I have to take a little break before I read the rest.

But let me leave you, dear reader, with this thought. As tough as the blows of 2023 have been, countless examples of resilieceand the goodness of the human spirit have been on display as well.

Keep your loved ones close, celebrate the good when you can and give thanks for everyday blessings.

From all of us in Shady Pines Story Town, Happy Thanksgiving!

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In Shady Pines Veteran’s Day is A Big Deal

In Shady Pines Veteran’s Day is A Big Deal

Veteran’s Day 2023

A very important American holiday will be here before you know it. No, not Thanksgiving or Christmas. This date on the calendar is coming up way sooner than either one of those celebrated days.

Veteran’s Day is Saturday November 11th. Shady Pines Story Town will take time to honor those who serve and have served our country.

This day hits home for may of the folks in our small Southern town. Maybe it’s the same where you live.

Our very our editor of The Shady Pines Gazette has a special connection to the federal holiday.

Loving Connections

“I will be thinking about my father on that day. He’s a retired Colonel in the Army. Since he’s not actively serving that makes him a veteran.

I haven’t seen him in a while ’cause he lives up north. But you can be dang on certain I will call him this Saturday. He says he learned important life lessons in the army like teamwork, achieving goals, honor and the importance of service to others.”

Zulah is not the only one who will be be thinking about a loved one this weekend. Seven year old Ray Robinson and his mother will be doing the same.

Far From Home

Ray’s dad is away right now serving overseas. Ray says on Veteran’s Day he’s going to write to his dad and make sure he knows how much Ray and his mom love him. They hope he can come home soon.

Ray is very proud of his dad.  “He taught me to be honest, kind and respectful of others. Before he left he told me I’m supposed to help out around the house. And be good to mom while he’s gone. I told him I’d try to be just like him.”

Ray wipes away the tear trickling down his cheek.

It’s hard for our soldiers to be away from home and for the family and friends they leave behind.

How Veterans Day Started

We have to go way back to the year 1919 to find out how it began. This national observance used to be called Armistice Day — a day to celebrate the end of World War I.

The name was later changed to Veterans Day in 1954 to honor veterans of all wars.

It’s kinda sad to realize just how many wars the United States has been involved in, isn’t it? So many men and women have made a lot of sacrifices for the freedom we enjoy today.

Don’t be Confused

I don’t know about you, but most people confuse Veterans Day and Memorial Day. They’re actually very different. I did some digging and discovered the difference is important to keep in mind.

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country. This is especially true for those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle.

“While those who died are also remembered, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military — in wartime or peacetime.”

Remember To Thank Them

It’s easy to get busy and wrapped in all that’s going on these days. Let’s face it. We tend to forget the thousands of Americans who have done so much for us and those who still do.

So this Saturday please join Shady Pines and take a minute to appreciate those who serve!


Look Out! Your Clock is About to Fall Back

Look Out! Your Clock is About to Fall Back

Shorter Days Ahead

As we say goodbye to Halloween it’s time to fiddle with the hands on the clocks.

That’s right. All around Shady Pines Story Town folks are getting ready for Daylight Saving Time. We’ll fall back an hour and get a little more sleep the first night.

But that next day will feel really short. So will the days following that one.

It’s an adjustment.

Get Ready

We know it’s coming because we can sense it. The leaves are already turning brilliant colors. We watch them fall ever so softly from the trees.

The air is cooler and the shadows get longer each afternoon.

We feel the change will be here soon.

Over at City Hall on Broad Street downtown, Mayor Beauregard P. Fibbs is putting out an annoucement so that everyone knows what to do and when.

“It’s come to may attention that this weekend on Saturday y’all need to do something. Before you go to bed you’ll want to turn your clocks back an hour. Because at 2am on Sunday morning November 5th we will all be falling back together. And, if you want to get to church on time, or not miss out on whatever else you have planned, then you best change those clocks the night before!”

Are Your Kids Early Risers?

Here are some tips the folks in Shady Pines want you to know. For instance, with the time change your little ones will probably get up even earlier. EEE-Gads!

You might want to start a few days ahead of time to get the family ready.

Maybe on Thursday morning have breakfast ready 15 minutes later than normal, then naptime 15 minutes later and so on until the entire daytime schedule has been shifted.

Bedtime Shift

If your kids normally go to bed at 7pm, try getting them to bed at 7:15pm.  Do the same thing the next day but move their schedule later another 15 minutes.  The gradual shift helps their internal clocks adjust. They will be less likely to wake an hour early on Sunday morning.

Block The Morning Light

Make sure your child’s bedroom is really dark. In fact, consider using some blackout curtains so the new early morning light doesn’t wake your child.  With that one change you help them stay sleeping longer.

Use That Daylight

Here’s something else. Try to get the youngsters outside in plenty of bright light, especially in the early evening. When you do that it will shift their clock.

That makes it easier for them to fall asleep later and wake up later.

And, hey. Try not to worry if your children aren’t making the shift as fast as you think they should.  Kids who are easy going when it comes to schedules may adjust in just a day or two.

Children who are more sleep sensitive may have more trouble adjusting. Be patient and consistent and before you know it your kids will be back on track.

Consider the Animals Too

This advice may also apply to your four-legged family members. Why Harold and Edna Sanders say that when the time changes they have their hands full with Boomerang and Halley’s Comet.

Those two critters are a caution most days. But when that dog and cat have their routine messed with, it can be a whole ‘nother layer of commotion!

So take it easy out there and let’s all fall back together.